Event conception &
Event conception and management
We create events for individuals and businesses (events organization, support before and during the event, guidance through the event, media coverage for you and your business during the event, special talks and training sessions)
To keep in motion the entire event, we offer a media coverage service with an entire multimedia package: scenario, video and audio-video editing, internal video presentation, radio and TV campaigns, interviews with your guests.

Do you want to create a specific event and you need help?
Some of our events
Startup Culture
Startup Culture is an 3-days event that aims to gather a worldwide stratup ecosystem. 3 days of workshops, conferences, success stories, gamified activities and challenges to build and grow a startup mindset in addition to bring help and tools to project holders and startup creators.
First edition took place in Algeria in May 2022 in Oran, Algeria. We organized the event with the help from our local partners Makers Lab and University of Oran 2 Mohamed Ben Admed and our sponsors: Hasnaoui, Ecole Hôtelière d’Oran, Santa Cruz Hotel, Signature Consulting, Dakart, Creative Touch, Digital Garage, Be Positive, Basmatech Incubator, Maison de l’entrepreneuriat d’Oran.
We welcomed about 100 participants who have worked together with international coaches and have created and presented 32 projects in the field of tourism, culture, agriculture, food and crafting.
Jeu parle francais
Jeu Parle Français is an online competition that allows young French-speaking people to promote their creativity, by having the opportunity to create serious games whose goal is to promote the French language; Education and culture; Tourism ; Sustainable development ; Citizenship and Gender Equality. During the hackathon, teams from Albania, Armenia, Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Poland, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Serbia have met specialists in fields related to video games (developers; game design; graphic designers; storytellers) who helped them improve their knowledge and skills. This competition took place in June 2020 and October 2021 at the proposal of the International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF) and their partners: Delegația Valonia-Bruxelles / Délégation Wallonie-Bruxelles in Bucharest; AUF – Central and Eastern Europe; Institutul francez din România; Articlaw; Consulting TIME; ROBOTescu; Velvetique; ChibiPhoenix; Pentalog; Consiliul Național al Tineretului din Moldova and Bucharest Gaming Week.
Explore more of our services
Business tours
CES - Las Vegas, World Mobile Congress - Barcelona, GITEX - Dubai, Viva Technology - Paris, Bucharest Tech Week
Social media & Content creation
Digital analysis, Strategy and Deployment, Creative writing, Storytelling, Media coverage, Gamification
Workshops and team buildings for companies
Innovative tools for digital transformation and more efficient internal communication
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